7. One Week (Weekend Recap)

It’s been one week. Here’s where I’m at. I got a C+ on the exam I thought I was most certainly going to fail. Not too happy with the grade but I’ll take it. After the test I had a 8 hour work day which blew many dicks. After a tough day I celebrated by not drinking. Yes. That’s right folks. Sober on a Friday. Who could of predicted that? My Friday night ended with McDonald’s and some Netflix. Not too shabby. I started watching Narcos and I’m enthralled by the concept of it. Coke, money, bilingual television? I’m in.

Saturday, after a morning of Narcos became a bit more debaucherous. Is that a word? Debaucherous. I’m getting the ol’ red squiggly under it. Fuck it. After Narcos I began playing beer die at 2:00 PM. After running the table for 9 hours I figure I cash out with what little dignity and cheap light beer I had with me. Called the DD, got more McDonald’s (that’s becoming a problem), and went home and passed out.

I love those drunken mornings where you wake up in a sleeping bag, shirtless, surrounded by cigarettes and candy wrappers. I’m sure that’s happened to every well respected writer. Right? Guys? Anyone? I sobered up around 9:00 AM and drove home. No hangover (score). My mom wasn’t home for the 3 hours I was passed out on her couch (probably for the best). I had some nice home cooking and watched the Pat’s struggle to beat the Cowboys by 20+ points. In my bed now just chilling. All is good in the ‘burbs. I have a beer die tournement so if I make a post it will be trashy af. I’m loving this 4 day fall break. One love ~ RH

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